Pronounced "Impatience", and named after the little ground-covering flower, Impatiens Designs hopes to be your favourite costume jewelry boutique. I use the highest quality materials possible in my pieces, and the only pieces that make it here are the ones that I'm happy with and would wear myself. If you've questions or concerns, please email.
this pendant is made by layering palm fronds over each other, and then bending them back onto themselves, to create a spiral-helix-shape full of geometric coolness. it looks a bit like something that comes out of a spirograph toy, right?
the fancy thing about these palms is that they were blessed for Palm Sunday this past year, so they're Holy Palms. no, i don't think turning them into jewelry diminishes the blessing. i think it just makes them portable, so you can carry them with you.
24" antiqued brass chain
1"x.75" pendant (measured at widest points)
very lightweight, because a blessing shouldn't weigh you down.
the perfect accessory for a rough day.